Decriminalizing Immigrants | Linh Dao
We’re excited to provide a glimpse into artist Linh Dao’s work in progress, Decriminalizing Immigrants (2022). A digital space that explores the “port of...

Ciarán Short | Q+ A
Digital America interviewed Ciarán Short in November 2022 about his piece American Re-Education (2022). ::: Digital America: You created the video piece iHope (2021) in...

American Re-Education | Ciarán Short
Ciarán Short’s, American Re-Education (2022) video piece explores the representation of Blackness across popular media. The featured images are “digitally altered using glitch aesthetics...

Linh Dao | Q + A
Since Digital America published Dao’s Immigrant Documentation (2018) four years ago, the US has continued use people fleeing violence and poverty as political pawns....