In Point Zero (2019), Artist Dho Yee Chung generates digital prototypes of human figures. She isolates the viewer from human skin by creating layers of screen, disassociating the human body from its digitized form. These layers suggest society uses masks to guard against digital norms. Like skin, screens are surfaces one cannot escape in this process.


Check out Dho Yee Chung’s Q+A.


Dho Yee Chung is a graphic designer originally from South Korea. Since the age of 16, she has lived in multiple countries, namely the United States, India, and the Netherlands. Her experience of being in a cross-cultural and diverse position taught her that power resides in a plurality of voices and that acceptance of diversity leads to the mutual recognition and enrichment of individuals. This, in turn, has fostered her interest in the global impact of the Asian visual media. Her work questions how media mediates and shapes the narratives of human activity in order to understand the self in the digital era.