Virtual Reality | Alejandro Landivar

In his photo series Virtual Reality (2021), Alejandro Landivar examines the effects of technology consumption and dependency. To deliver his message, Landivar uses silver...

New Leaf | Damon Pham

In New Leaf (2020) artist Damon Pham was inspired by the outpouring of nostalgic memories listeners expressed in the YouTube comments section of the...

Otherness screenshot

otherness | Feixue Mei

In the piece, otherness (2019), Feixue Mei uses animation, language, and pop culture media, to capture the perspective of a cultural outsider in a...

Spit | Molly O’Donnell

Molly O’Donnell’s Spit explores the relationship between the grotesque and the natural as it navigates the complicated relationship we have with the internet and pressing...


Molly O’Donnell | Q+A

Molly O’Donnell’s Spit was published in Issue 12 of Digital America.  O’Donnell talked with Digital America about Spit and her other work in Potpourri and Default....

White Noise

As I hunkered down and prepared for the snowstorm that passed through Richmond last night, I decided to head over to a few of...