Black Hole Son

Pete Burkeet | Q+A

Pete Burkeet’s piece Black Hole Son was published in Issue 12 of Digital America.  In this interview Burkeet gives us insight into his making process...

Spit | Molly O’Donnell

Molly O’Donnell’s Spit explores the relationship between the grotesque and the natural as it navigates the complicated relationship we have with the internet and pressing...

Ruminations 5

Ruminations | Lilia Levine

Lilia Levine’s piece Ruminations depicts experiences of mental angst and obsession through laser cutting and 3D printing.  Her work represents the modern anxieties women face...


Molly O’Donnell | Q+A

Molly O’Donnell’s Spit was published in Issue 12 of Digital America.  O’Donnell talked with Digital America about Spit and her other work in Potpourri and Default....

Become Android | Yuwei Lin

Become Android is a personal journey about connections and disconnections from the real world. The artist describes being frequently trapped by endless information from...

Black Hole Son | Pete Burkeet

In Black Hole Son, Pete Burkeet takes the viewer on a visual rollercoaster of disastrous spectacle in American consumerism and culture.  In 1986, Ohio released...

Immigrant Documentation 6

Immigrant Documentation | Linh Dao

In Immigrant Documentation, Linh Dao imagines a future where the immigration process mimics the ease, and flippancy, of our mobile culture. Here, the entirety of...