Hulk | Maggie Hazen

Maggie Hazen’s video piece, Hulk, and text piece, Embodied Imaginary: From Gendered Bodies in Virtual Spaces to Powerful Bodies in a Physical World, both...

Astroturfing | Char Stiles

Char Stiles’ Astroturfing explores the political power of social media. By populating a digitally constructed field with the social media posts of the Chinese...

#InstaRoadTrip2016 | Gideon Jacobs

Gideon Jacobs’ #InstaRoadTrip2016, a two week journey from New York to California made entirely on Instagram, explores the juxtaposition between “real” life and life...

All My Life | Clint Enns

All My Life, Clint Enns’ digital panorama piece, derived from from Bruce Bailie’s 1966 film also titled All My Life, is an experimental digital...


James Lavapie’s “I LOVE MY OPPRESSOR” series explores the integration of imagery and poetry to create provocative digital collages. Through inquiry between the oppressed...