
Paperdolls | Julia Eldred

Paperdolls (2022) by Julia Eldred invites us to the mind of a young child as she navigates the creation and destruction of her art...

screenshot from Keaton Fox video, Feels Like Spam (2015)

Keaton Fox | Q + A

The digital world isn’t immune from the societal hierarchies and discrimination we experience in the real world—we often see those fears and anxieties heightened...

Pohan Amanda Turner Bio Image

Pohan Amanda Turner | Q+A

Digital America interviewed Amanda Turner Pohan in April 2021 to discuss her work Alexa Echoes (2020) and misogyny perpetuated by voice-based AI assistants. :::...

Dear Vern | Janelle Rebel

In Dear Vern (2020), Janelle Rebel exposes the arbitrary nature of binaries within national politics through a feminist lens. The piece uses an archive...

Spit | Molly O’Donnell

Molly O’Donnell’s Spit explores the relationship between the grotesque and the natural as it navigates the complicated relationship we have with the internet and pressing...

Ruminations 5

Ruminations | Lilia Levine

Lilia Levine’s piece Ruminations depicts experiences of mental angst and obsession through laser cutting and 3D printing.  Her work represents the modern anxieties women face...