I’m your pixelpleasure | Zander Porter
Zander Porter’s I’m Your Pixelpleasure (2017) is an imbrication of the internet pop culture feed and the bruising reality of identity in politics. The...

Imagine A Place to be Among Friends | James Murray
In José Esteban Muñoz’s book Cruising Utopia, the introduction begins: “Queerness is not yet here.” James Murray’s Imagine A Place To Be Among Friends visualizes the “not...

Transformations | Miranda Rosenblum
Miranda Rosenblum’s poetry collection, Transformations, explores the intersections of being queer in a post-internet world. Responding to contemporary themes such as online dating and...

Hulk | Maggie Hazen
Maggie Hazen’s video piece, Hulk, and text piece, Embodied Imaginary: From Gendered Bodies in Virtual Spaces to Powerful Bodies in a Physical World, both...

Queer Millennials Online | Miranda Rosenblum
Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet. The rise of the internet incited a significant transformation in the experience of...

On Queer/Feminist Sound & the Digital Archive | Charles Eppley
Over the past several years, there has been a sonic awakening. The study of sound and its effects on knowledge, identity, culture, and history...