All My Life, Clint Enns’ digital panorama piece, derived from from Bruce Bailie’s 1966 film also titled All My Life, is an experimental digital display of the archive. The piece recreates an image made up of individual stills from the film meticulously stitched together. Enns describes the piece as “post-cinema”, and it “exists in the space somewhere between film and still image.” The panorama is a mystifying found-footage landscape of cinematic nostalgia, created anew. What was once a time-based, experimental film is transformed into a landscape that never existed in the film itself. The image’s exploded nature allows opens up a new world of possibility, creating something surreal and embedded with the poetics and simplicity of Bailie’s films. This digitally-constructed panorama reveals a landscape that can only occur through the digital reconstruction of the film—it exists in an interstitial space between film and image, landscape and .jpeg.



Clint Enns is a visual artist living in Toronto, Ontario. His work primarily deals with moving images created with broken and/or outdated technologies. His work has shown both nationally and internationally at festivals, alternative spaces and microcinemas.

He has a Master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Manitoba, and has recently received a Master’s degree in cinema and media from York University where he is currentlypursuing a PhD. His writings and interviews have appeared in Leonardo, Millennium Film Journal, Incite! Journal of Experimental Media and Spectacular Optical.
