Low Prices and Low Expectations
I’m not sure if you heard, but an early leader in consumer electronics megastores is trying to make a comeback. Before I even begin, I want you to keep this...

Happy New Year (I Hope It’s Not Too Late)
It’s deep winter, a new year, and I’d like to leave you something warm. I was going to pound out some diatribe about political...

Missed Connections
Missed Connections is a sound piece featured at Third Practice Electroacoustic Festival at The University of Richmond, 2015. The piece consists of samples of the composer’s voice reading...

Pixels and Pens: Delving the Dungeons of the Digital Age
Gaming in the 20th century conjures up images of solitary figures hunched over keyboards, eyes locked on the soft blue glow of a monitor...

The Amazing Spidey Fridge Logic
In 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker has a poster of Rear Window hanging in his room. So Web-Head knows a thing or two...

Therapy TV
(Author’s Note: I originally wrote a version of this article for a website called “Sucker Punch Cinema” that is now very much deceased. But...

Backseat Moderating
It isn’t really my intention to get political in my Digital America column, because that kind of topic tends to almost immediately divide readers...

Feminist Pornography: A Sexy Revolution
The first time I watched porn, I was 15 years old. It was late and I was alone. It was not desire or lust...

Bad Ghosts, Electric Graveyard
Text messaging and internet chatting has turned us all into Frankensteins. The goal is to emulate real life, to as closely approximate real-life conversation...