Emily Sasmor | Q + A

Emily Sasmor’s work STRANGERS COWBOYS was published in Issue 11 of Digital America. Sasmor talked with Digital America about her overarching series HOTLINE FOR...

THANK YOU | Vi Trinh

Vi Trinh’s animation, THANK YOU, explores the relationship between power and powerlessness, and thus casts the characters of humans, institutions, and animals. Trinh uses a...

Baleada Queen | Q + A

Baleada Queen is one of Central America’s most enigmatic and best kept secrets. A gringa who found success as a telenovela star at an...

Hulk | Maggie Hazen

Maggie Hazen’s video piece, Hulk, and text piece, Embodied Imaginary: From Gendered Bodies in Virtual Spaces to Powerful Bodies in a Physical World, both...